Tongues are the eyes of the Heart

I'm keeping this in and taking it to the graveI keep it close to my heart never letting goIt's a dirty linen to keep away from the worldNot for a man of my stature to be exposedBut how long can you lie to a mouth? Kings and nations have hidden great secretsPeople have died in … Continue reading Tongues are the eyes of the Heart

The World is Changing, One man at a Time

I don't know whether it's ingrained in us Perhaps it's because of our environment But there's a desire in most of us for change There's a cry in our hearts to see a difference A craving to turn the world upside down It's in my dreams, it consumes my daydreaming I see it everywhere, the … Continue reading The World is Changing, One man at a Time

Watching the News with a Bible

I think as you get older you start paying attention to the News and you even get excited wanting to know what’s happening around you. I’m one of those who easily gets glued to a political talk show. I don’t know if I should apologize for that. But I’ve always loved debates and I really … Continue reading Watching the News with a Bible

The name of the Lord is suffering even today!

It's not bad enough that Christ suffered on that hill for us.That he was beaten, mocked, chastised and killed for you and IThat his justice was denied and the innocent killed for my sinThat the most holy God was drowned in the sewage of your sinBut he was cast away, ripped from his eternal union … Continue reading The name of the Lord is suffering even today!