The Mirage of this Life

Given a choice between heaven and this world many choose what they can see. They'd rather have the bird in the hand that 9 in the bush. This world and it's promises seem tangible. And nothing is more appealing and trustworthy than what we can see and touch. We want to live life to the … Continue reading The Mirage of this Life

The Gospel for a Hustler Nation

One of the fears we have as a people is to imagine that either our leaders don't know our situation or they simply don't care. It's double tragedy to imagine they'd careless about our fate and instead only favour their peers. It's painful, it makes us angry knowing we put them there but hopeless when … Continue reading The Gospel for a Hustler Nation

Sunday Morning Junkies

Many times when we criticize preaching and call out false teaching we have the preachers in mind. We think if we rid the country of false teachers our churches will be sound and our theology right. But there's a great contibutor to false doctrine that we let go easy. We forget the supply is only … Continue reading Sunday Morning Junkies

The Heart of True Leaders

When you listen keenly to political analysts debate each other you can hear their master speaking behind them. They'll use facts and quote the Constitution all while construing and obliquing it in ways that favour the hand that feeds them. Activists are no different though they'd like us to believe they are the neutral custodians … Continue reading The Heart of True Leaders